News Topic:J&K Transport Department

Burn our vehicles or allow us to resume work: Transporters

The transporters operating in Jammu and Ladakh services on Saturday demanded authorities to allow them to resume their services and said that they will follow the guidelines in letter and spirit.

J&K to launch Uber, Ola type cab service soon

Transport Department in J&K has called for objections / suggestions regarding "Jammu and Kashmir Aggregator Draft Rules 2020."

Transporters from other districts asked not to enter Srinagar

SRINAGAR — Regional Transport Office Kashmir has imposed a blanket ban on the transport services in Srinagar and has asked transporters from south, north...

Coronavirus: Government suspends inter-State bus service

SRINAGAR — In wake of Coronavirus scare, Government in Jammu and Kashmir has suspended inter-State bus service with immediate effect.An order issued by Transport...

Passengers complain of overcharging in Pulwama

PULWAMA — Passengers in south Kashmir’s Pulwama district are complaining that the public transporters plying on the interior routes to different localities of the...

Passengers being charged arbitrary fare in Pulwama

PULWAMA — Passenger vehicles in Pulwama village charge Rs 10 for one kilometer travel against the government's fixed rate, while authorities are paying no...

J&K Migrant Relief & Rehabilitation Recruitment for 50 Class-IV Posts

Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Relief & Rehabilitation Commissioner has announced the J&K Migrant Relief & Rehabilitation Recruitment for 50 Class-IV Posts.An Advertisement Notification No. 01...

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South Kashmir apple growers alarmed as leaf miner pest ravages orchards

Apple growers in several areas of southern Kashmir are increasingly concerned as a leaf miner pest continues to infect their orchards for the fourth consecutive year.
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90% of candidates in J-K forfeit deposits in Lok Sabha elections

In a decisive electoral mandate, the deposits of nearly 90 per cent of candidates contesting for the five Lok Sabha seats in Jammu and Kashmir were confiscated.

J-K Govt evicts only 2 of 43 unauthorized political occupants from government quarters

Out of 43 political figures occupying the government quarters without holding any position, the J&K Estates Department has evicted only two occupants.

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Kashmiris speak out as Valley witnesses first major polls after Article 370 abrogation

In a significant electoral moment, Kashmir witnessed its first major polls after the abrogation of Article 370, with hopeful residents expressing their aspirations.

Kashmir political leaders accuse authorities of arresting their workers

J&K political leaders, including Sajjad Gani Lone and Altaf Bukhari, have raised concerns over the arrest and harassment of workers ahead of the polls.