Army vehicle crushes teenager to death in Handwara

Army vehicle crushes teenager to death in Handwara
Army vehicle crushes teenager to death in Handwara

HANDWARA — In a heartbreaking incident that unfolded today, a teenager lost his life after being crushed by an army vehicle in Handwara. The tragic accident, which occurred when the army vehicle hit a Sumo near Gundkuhro Handwara, has left the local community in shock and raised concerns about road safety and the accountability of military vehicles.

The victim’s identity could not be verified immediately as he was moved to a local hospital soon after the tragic accident.

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Eyewitnesses recounted that the incident occurred when an army vehicle, reportedly a heavily armored truck, struck the Sumo. Besides the boy, many other passengers were injured in the accident. The impact of the collision was severe, causing critical injuries to the boy. Passersby rushed to his aid and immediately called for an ambulance.

A civilian being evacuated to hospital after an army vehicle hit a Sumo vehicle in Handwara
A civilian being evacuated to hospital after an army vehicle hit a Sumo vehicle in Handwara

The teenager was swiftly taken to a nearby hospital, but tragically, medical professionals were unable to save his life. The news of his untimely demise spread quickly throughout the area, triggering an outpouring of grief and anger.

Local authorities swiftly initiated an investigation into the incident to determine the circumstances leading to the accident.

Preliminary reports suggest that the army vehicle involved in the accident may have been travelling above the speed limit, although this is yet to be confirmed. The driver of the vehicle is currently being held for questioning by the police.

Residents of Handwara, who have long expressed concerns about the safety of military vehicles navigating through civilian areas, are demanding justice for the boy and calling for stricter enforcement of traffic rules for army convoys. They argue that such tragic accidents are not isolated incidents and that the presence of military vehicles in densely populated areas poses a constant threat to the local population.

As the investigation continues, the tragic death of the teenager serves as a somber reminder of the urgent need to prioritize road safety and ensure the accountability of all vehicles, including those operated by the military, to safeguard the lives of civilians in Handwara and beyond.

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