Parched lips, cracks in the land
Boiling mind, empty hand
All the eyes watching into the sky
Sweating heads, waters far away

Lifeless eyes, senses kept at bay
Nobody near to listen and say
Thirsty days; hungry nights
Fate of loveless life – devouring plights

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Hopelessness reminds of rosy days
“Peep at your past” my heart now says

Hot days, darkness of heart,
Lonely nights and tears I got
Indifference to joy, night in lights
Viper of solitude every moment bits

Whispers of the Valley

My night waiting for that light
With whose grace stars are bright
Toiling up the hill in the blazing sun,
Its life, its race is run.

What I have nothing now seems
Only saving grace, now my dreams.
Life is all about unending pain
Life is draught, death rain.

Still life, great struggle, great adventure,
A refreshing breeze, a great venture.
Having pain, showing pleasure
In thorns a rose to nurture.

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