‘The School of Pride’ – The best school in Pulwama revealed!

'The School of Pride' - The best school in Pulwama revealed!

Pulwama: ‘The School of Pride’ programme organised by SRB Style Statement ended here today with Delhi Modern Public School being adjudged as the best school in the District.

Shahid Rashid Bhat speaking during "The School of Pride" event

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The search for best school through ‘The School of Pride’ programme was undertaken by Shahid Rashid Bhat under his brand label ‘SRB Style Statement’.

Students compete in Painting at "The School of Pride" event

Solace International School was the host for the event in which school children from participant schools competed in various activities including Painting, Essay Writing, Debating et cetera. Later, an award distribution ceremony was also held.

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G N Var, President Private Schools United Front speaking during "The School of Pride" event

G. N. Var, President Private Schools United Front, was the chief guest on the occasion. The other guests and judges for the event included Jan Muhammad (Youngest All India Radio Compere, Assistant Professor – English), Badee Uz Zaman and others.

A view of the panel of judges at "The School of Pride" event

The participant schools included Solace International School Pulwama, MMET Higher Secondary School Pulwama, Global Vision School Tral, Delhi Modern Public School Pampore & Holy Mission School Pulwama.

A view of school children from Solace International School Pulwama

“The idea was to help people of Pulwama to choose the best school for their wards. We took every aspect into consideration that could reveal a student’s ability and here we are with the results,” Shahid said in a jubilant tone.

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Delhi Modern Public School won "The School of Pride" award

Students from Delhi Modern Public School outperformed children from other schools and won “The School of Pride” award for their school.

“Special thanks to chairman and owner of Solace International School, Mir Waseem Hanief for his unconditional support for the event. The event couldn’t have been organised so well without his support,” Shahid said.

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