Date Sheet for Cluster University Srinagar PG 1st Semester Exam 2017


Srinagar: Cluster University Srinagar has issued the Date Sheet for Cluster University Srinagar PG 1st Semester Exam 2017.

The Date Sheet is for Cluster University Srinagar Post Graduate Programmes 1st Semester Examination (Batch 2017).

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As per the Date Sheet, the examination will commence from November 13, 2017 and will end on November 28, 2017.

The candidates are advised to reach their examination centres at around 11:00 AM as the timing for this examination is stated to be 11:30 AM as per Date Sheet for Cluster University Srinagar PG 1st Semester Exam 2017.

Prof Mohammad Mobin assumes charge as CUS's VC

Date Sheet for Cluster University Srinagar PG 1st Semester Exam 2017Cluster University Srinagar has also issued the Examination Schedule for PG 1st Semester (Batch 2017) through the Examination Notification No. IV for Term-End Examination of Post Graduation 2017.

The following Examination Schedule has been published for the information of Post Graduation students of Constituent Colleges:

I. Downloading / Submission of pre-filled Examination Forms: From 01-11-2017 to 05-11-2017

II. Submission of List of Eligible Candidates along with fee (Bank Draft) and Examination Forms by the Constituent Colleges in Cluster University office: From 06-11-2017 to 07-11-2017

Prof Mohammad Mobin assumes charge as CUS's VC

III. Downloading of Admit Cards along with Attendance Sheets: From 08-11-2017 to 11-11-2017

IV. Commencement of the Examination as per the Date Sheet: From 13-11-2017 to 28-11-2017

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