Jammu & Kashmir State Board of School Education - JKBOSE

SRINAGAR — Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) on Thursday released the Class 10th, 11th & 12th (Bi-Annual Private 2022) Examination Forms for students from Kashmir Division.

The schedude for the offline submission of Permission-cum-Admission Forms and Statement of Enrollments of Class 10th, 11th and 12th for Annual (Private) / Bi-Annual 2021-22 examinations has been released by the Board.

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It is hereby notified for information and follow-up action of all the concerned that the notification-schedule for online submission of the Permission-cum-Admission Forms and Statement of Enrollments in favour of (a) The eligible candidates of previous sessions / others pertaining to Kashmir Division, excluding Tehsil Gurez, Keran, Karnah, Machil, Tangdar and District Kargil of Secondary School (Class 10th), Higher Secondary Part-I (Class 11th) and Higher Secondary Part-II,and (b) Re-appear / failure candidates of Higher Secondary Part-II (Class 12th) Annual / Regular 2021 pertaining to Kashmir Division, including Tehsil Gurez, Keran, Karnah, Machil, Tangdar (excluding District Kargil), shall be as under:

S. No.DescriptionClassPrescribed Fee Per CandidateApplicable Date / Last Date
Submission of Permission-cum-Admission Forms alongwith Statements of Enrollment
01.Candidates with 5 subjects10thRs. 880March 14, 2022
02.Candidates with additional subject(s) (5+)10thRs. 1060(inclusive of preparation days)
03.Candidates with 5 subjects11th, 12thRs. 1040March 14, 2022
04.Candidates with additional subject(s) (5+)11th, 12thRs. 1250(inclusive of preparation days)
05.1st Count: With late fee of Rs 670/- per candidate, in addition to normal prescribed fee for above categoriesMarch 23, 2022 (inclusive of preparation days)


  1. Eligible fresh private candidates.
  2. Re-appear / failure and other eligible candidates of all previous sessions.
  3. Subject Change / improvement of performance / Aadditional subjects / completion cases.
  4. Fresh eligibility cases as per procedure / norms and applicable fee.
  5. Reappear / failure candidates of HSP-II (Class 12th) Annual/Regular, 2021 examination.
JKBOSE release annual regular date sheet for 10th to 12th standard in hard zones

Further, the Renewal Registration Return, wherever applicable in case of Class 11th and Class 12th, shall be accepted with the prescribed fee of Rs. 190/- per candidate up to 14th March, 2022 and with a late fee of Rs. 60/- per candidate, in addition to normal prescribed fee, up to 23rd March, 2022.

Note: Dates notified are inclusive and no preparation days are allowed.

General Instructions:

The Permission-cum-Admission Forms (Pre-filled/Blank) shall be available In the concerned Divisional/District/Tehsil Offices of the BOSE and shall be issued to the Authorized representative/Admission In-Charge of the Affiliated Academic Institutions against payment of Rs. 20/- as cost of PCA Form. The blank PCA Forms for previous session candidates can also be downloaded from the BOSE website.

The candidates are directed to strictly fill in their registered particulars and fix one latest digital coloured photograph on their respective Permission-cum-Admission Forms and submit the same in their respective Institutions.

The dealing assistants of the District/Tehsil Offices of the BOSE shall be under obligation to ensure that the PCA Forms are scrutinized well in advance before the commencement of the examination or before issuing of the Admit Cards, whichever is earlier, to avert any unforeseen ill occurrences.

Revised exam schedule for classes 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th announced in J-K

Instructions for Heads of the Affiliated Academic Institutions:

The Heads of the Institutions are instructed to furnish an undertaking and ensure that no proxy or any fake attestation is executed from their Institution and shall keep information regarding the candidates appearing through their respective schools by reference of the school sent-up readily available and the Registered Particulars of five candidates only are filled on each side of the Enrollment sheet.

Cell numbers of each candidate shall be necessarily recorded on the enrollment sheets.

Affix latest digital coloured photograph of each candidate against his/her particulars on the Statement of Enrollment duly signed and stamped, as well as on the sent-up list which remains with the Institution for record and reference.

Cover the photographs with quality transparent adhesive tape on the Statement of Enrolment to avoid chances of misuse and impersonation.

To deposit the prescribed fee, of their eligible candidates, in the designated Branches of the J&K Bank Ltd., in the shape of “Bank-Slip” to be obtained from the concerned Divisional/District/Tehsil Offices of the BOSE.

Submit the Permission-cum-Admission Forms and Statements of Enrollment, Renewal Registration Return sent-up (wherever applicable), complete in all respects & duly filled in on the prescribed formats along with forwarding letters, in triplicate, in the concerned Divisional/District/Tehsil Offices of the BOSE through their Authorized representative/Admission In-Charge only. The letters must indicate the number of candidates (enrolled & appearing) subject wise and description of fee deposited in the Bank. Subject-wise micro-pack be also indicated below on each page of the Statement of Enrollment.

Note: In case the last date/s for submission of returns/fee is declared as holiday, the next working day shall be treated as the last date.

This notification shall not be applicable to re-appear/failure candidates of SSE (Class 10th) Annual/Regular 2021 and English Only category candidates, which shall be issued separately.

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