Srinagar: Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission has issued an important notice regarding JKPSC 10+2 Lecturer exam.
The notification is for the candidates appearing in the Written Test for the posts of Lecturer 10+2 in School Education Department scheduled on 26.06.2016.
The Admit Cards have already been uploaded on the Commission’s website
The notice reads: In continuation of this office notice dated:15.06.2016, it is reiterated that the Written Test of the below mentioned subjects shall be conducted as per the schedule given below:
Computer Science | 26.06.2016 / Sunday | 09:00AM to 11:00AM | Forenoon |
Economics | 26.06.2016 / Sunday | 09:00AM to 11:00AM | Forenoon |
Geography | 26.06.2016 / Sunday | 09:00AM to 11:00AM | Forenoon |
E.V.S. | 26.06.2016 / Sunday | 09:00AM to 11:00AM | Forenoon |
Zoology | 26.06.2016 / Sunday | 02:00PM to 04:00PM | Afternoon |
Maths | 26.06.2016 / Sunday | 02:00PM to 04:00PM | Afternoon |
Hindi | 26.06.2016 / Sunday | 02:00PM to 04:00PM | Afternoon |
Commerce | 26.06.2016 / Sunday | 02:00PM to 04:00PM | Afternoon |
Candidates are advised to adhere to the following instructions during the examination:
1. They should carry Admit Card in the allotted examination centre to secure admission in the examination hall, and show it to the supervisory staff on duty as and when required/demanded.
2. Do not write anything related or un-related to Examination on your Admit Card.
3. They should be seated in the examination hall 20 minutes before the commencement of the examination. No candidate shall be allowed to enter the Examination Hall after 10 minutes of the start of the examination.
4. They should carefully read the instructions given on the back side of the response sheet as well as on the Test Booklet.
5. Check the Admit Card carefully and bring discrepancy, if any, to the notice of J&K Public Service Commission immediately.
6. A candidate shall be responsible for safe custody of his/her Admission Certificate and in the event of any other person using this certificate the onus to prove that he/she has not used the services of any impersonator shall lie on the candidate.
7. Candidates are warned that they should not be in possession of the Mobile Phone / Programmable Calculators or any unauthorized/incriminating material. In case a candidate is found in possession of any unauthorized material during the examination, he/she shall be disqualified for such examination(s).
8. Each candidate is required to reach the centre of examination allotted to him/her should a candidate appear at a centre/venue other than the one notified/ allotted by the Commission, his/her Response Sheet shall not be evaluated and his/her candidature shall be liable to cancellation.
9. Each candidate should bring his/her own instruments viz. blue/black ball point pen, drinking water bottle etc. No borrowing or exchange of articles would be allowed in the examination hall.
10. No candidate shall be permitted to leave the examination hall untill expiry of full time (i.e. two hours).
11. In Examination hall, a candidate shall be provided an OMR answer sheet and test booklet. The instructions on the back side of OMR sheet should be read carefully before filling in the item Nos. 1-8. Item No. 9 is to be filled up by the invigilator.
12. The examination is Multiple Choice Type. Each question will have 04 options marked as A, B, C & D. One should choose the correct option and darken the corresponding oval on your OMR answer sheet by Blue or Black ball point pen.
13. The oval should be fully darkened, without causing any damage to the Response Sheet.
14. Each candidate is required to make his/her own arrangements of boarding and lodging. PSC shall not defray any TA/DA expenses.
15. Candidature to examination is purely provisional, subject to the fulfillment of Eligibility Criteria.
16. A candidate who has submitted more than one application form in one subject and accordingly roll numbers have been allotted against both the online application forms, is advised to appear only against such admit card wherein all particulars have been correctly recorded while submitting the online application form and ignore the other admit card.
1. In case any discrepancy is found, in the test booklet, in any question(s) or the Responses, a written representation explaining the details of such alleged discrepancy, be submitted within three days, indicating therein the Question No(s) and the Test Booklet Series, in which the discrepancy is alleged. Representation not received within time shall not be entertained at all.
2. In case any candidate is found changing the seat or roll number card; or disobeying the orders of the Supervisory staff, or creating or attempting to create disturbance in or around the examination hall, preventing or attempting to prevent candidates from taking the examination or organising or to organise or participating in a walk out or strike, or resorting to violence; or leaving the examination hall without delivering the answer sheet to the Invigilator concerned and taking away the same, or intentionally tearing the answer book or continuation book or any part thereof inside or outside the examination hall. Or possessing paper notes, any incriminating material, or books or any object, in violation of the instructions of the Commission and such announcements as may be made by the Supervisor even if such possession is claimed as inadvertent shall be punished as per the J&K PSC (Conduct of Examination) Rules, 2005.
Furthermore, concerned Invigilators deployed by the Supervisors for such duty may ensure that the above instructions issued to the candidates are followed by the candidates strictly. Any laxity on the part of invigilation staff shall be viewed seriously.
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