Stress is one of the culprits behind health deterioration in this digital era. The death ratio by suicide is increasing every year in many regions of the world. In many countries, stress is one of the biggest health problems that the population is facing.
This situation is alarming, and the heavy workload, unhealthy lifestyles or stress from exams can trigger mental issues. In this article, learn about the symptoms and the effects of stress on the human body and how to cope naturally.
Symptoms of Stress
Before discussing the hazards of stress on the human mind and body in the long run, you must understand its physical and psychological indicators. Symptoms of stress in women are slightly different from those in men.
This difference is due to various biological factors and the workings of the stress response system in both genders. Obesity, low sex drive, headaches, sleep issues, etc., are obvious signs in females. They are more vulnerable to psychological stress indicators rather than physical signs.
On the contrary, chest pain, teeth grinding, shortness of breath, chronic pain, etc., are common physical signs of stress in men. They are more vulnerable to cardiovascular diseases in response to various stressors.
What Can Stress Do to Your Body?
According to a study, chronic stress leads to an increase in the chance of premature death by 43% with its adverse effects on the human body. Let’s see how it changes our body functioning:
Respiratory System
When you are in a stressful situation, you start breathing fast. Why? Your body is trying to cope with the situation by improving the flow of blood to all body parts for better performance and response. This situation becomes worse for people who already suffer from breathing issues like asthma. That is why deep breathing exercises are recommended to calm the body and cope with stress symptoms.
Cardiovascular System
When we are under stress, our blood vessels shrink to pump more oxygen with blood to body parts. That is the reason people suffer from hypertension during anxiety. When this condition is prolonged, it can result in serious illnesses like heart stroke, kidney failure, diabetic complications, etc.
Immune System
Stress negatively affects overall immunity against various infections. The stress hormone cortisol makes our body’s immune response inefficient. Our immune system doesn’t respond to harmful invaders, which is why colds, influenza, and allergies are common among stressed people.
Particular types of white blood cells start decreasing in those who are suffering from chronic stress, resulting in high vulnerability to infections and delayed healing.
Reproductive System
Stress is a major factor behind low sex drive, particularly in men where their sperm production is reduced with a reduction in testosterone levels. Males suffer from erectile dysfunction, and women experience hormonal imbalances and early menopause. These changes result in infertility issues for both genders.
Natural Tips for Stress Management
Before moving towards professional help, certain natural strategies are effective in reducing stress and anxiety:
- Have a well-balanced diet to avoid deficiency of any nutrient.
- Set a sleep routine and take adequate sleep hours.
- Do regular physical activity and workout for at least 30 minutes daily.
- Keep your body well-hydrated for hormonal balance.
- Practice Yoga or meditation for inner peace and higher concentration.
- Use supplements like natural stress gummies for a better mood.
Bottom Line
Understanding the severity of different stress side effects is helpful in finding effective treatment options or prevention measures. Chronic stress badly affects human mental and physical health and results in impaired performance. The best approach is to incorporate some natural ways to prevent stress in the first place.