Contact Details of Kashmiri Muslim Scholars of Islam

Kashmiri Muslim scholars of Islam
Kashmiri Muslim scholars of Islam

This article is a list of modern-era Kashmiri scholars of Islam who are considered by reliable sources to be leading authorities on the teachings and rulings of the religion of Islam. Have a question? The answer is just a phone call away!

ScholarPhone Number
Maulana Rehmatullah Qasmi9906448454; 9419900002
Mufti Nazir9419422666
Mufti Rashid9419014455
Mufti Shabir (Sada-e-Haq)9906492329
Mufti Muzaffar (Sopore)9858325390
Mufti Ishaq Nazqi9419339139
Mufti Irshad (Awantipora)8803415174
Mufti Farooq Trali9596173620
Mufti Bilal (Sada-e-Haq)9622446693
Mufti Ayoub9419080320
Mufti Arshid (Dadsara Tral)**********
Mufti Abdul Gani (Shah-e-Hamdan Tral)9419374651
Fayaz Ahmad Rizvi7298723031
Ghulam Mohi-ud-din Naqeeb9419003980
Mushtaq Ahmad Veeri9595000445
Maulana Ahmed Sayed Shah Qasmi9419445570
Maulana Ghulam Muhammad Qasmi9419032891
Maulana Abdul Qayoom Qasmi9906542205
Mufti Muzaffar Hussain Qasmi7006992301
Mufti Mohammad Yaqoob Baba9419075697
Moulana Ghulam Nabi Qasmi9596286264
Qazi Imran9419420213
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If you have the contact numbers of any Islamic scholars that we missed in this article, please share them with us in the comments. Do include the name of the area that the scholar belongs to. We’ll update the article after proper verification of the contact!

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  1. Moulana Ahmed Sayed Shah Qasimi Shaikhu ul hadith. 9419445570

    Molana Gh Muhammad Qasmi 9419032891( دارالعلوم سبیل الرشاد چیراداری بارہمولا کشمیر )

    Molana Ab Qayoom Qasmi
    9906542205( دارالعلوم شیری بارہمولا کشمیر )

  2. Bahrul Uloom Ustazul Asatzah Hazrat Molana Ghulam Nabi Qasmi Kashmiri. Ustaz e Hadees Darul Uloom Waqf Deoband: +919837851005

  3. Maulana Ghulam Nabi Qasmi – Ustad-e-Hadees, Darul Uloom (Waqf) Sheikh-ul-Hadees, Jamia Zia-ul-Uloom, Poonch, Jammu and Kashmir: +91-9696286264.

  4. mujayn bayat karni thee but mainy bahut saray mufti ko kol kiya bayat kai liyee wo reason p reason bol rahi h
    koyi nahi kara raha h mujay bayat

    • salaam.
      hazratah aap mufti Ayoub sahab se raabita kijiye.. ya molana hameedullah lone sahab se. in sha allah woh aapki rehbari farmayenge

  5. Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakathu…Inna lillahi WA Inna illahi rajaoon…you have forgotten our beloved Hazrat Moulana Rahmatullah mir Qasmi Sahab..

    Phn no…..9419900002

    Jazakallah u khairan kaseera..

  6. Asalam allikum
    Mujhay mehar kay baray mai jana tha kya mehar aur jo jewellery etc susural kay side se aata hai kya woh nikkah mai mehar mai add ho sakta hai

  7. Mushtaq Ahmad Veeri ka contact num mil sakta h…ya fir srinagar ke kisi bade molana ka?? Plzz give me very urgnt h

  8. Assalam Alekum Rahmatullah Barakathu. To know the complete status of your Islamic missile, get from Mufti Anzar sahib. I am very thankful because I came back in my Islam. 7780865473


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