SRINAGAR — In a major announcement, the Government of India on Tuesday announced that it proposes to fill up 50,000 vacancies in government sector in the Union Territory of J&K in 2020-21.
“The Government proposes to fill up 50,000 vacancies in Government sector,” Finance Minister Nirmala Seetharaman said, adding that Rs. 2000 crore have been earmarked for filling up of 50,000 vacant posts.
She said self-employment will receive due attention and priority sector lending in 2020-21 shall be increased upwards of Rs. 27,000 crore
The Finance Minister said the government intends to cover any unemployed youth who wishes to set up his/her own business under various schemes.
“The UT has already launched a campaign for financial inclusion and we intend to impart further impetus to this. Skill enhancement shall be accorded due attention,” she said in her budget speech.
She also announced that government proposes to provide employment opportunities to about 7000 unemployed educated youth under J&K Rural Employment Generation Progra (JKREGP) at an estimated budgetary provision of Rs. 25 crore through Khadi & Village Industries Board.
The Finance Minister announced that 64899 unemployed youth shall be provided skill training in next fiscal. “Rs. 31.42 crore is being provided as revolving fund to bring 209500 women under the fold of 20950 Self-Help Groups. Rs. 103.35 crore shall be provided as community investment fund for self-help groups which have shown due progress,” she said.
The Finance Minister also announced that government proposes to provide employment opportunities to about 7000 unemployed educated youth under J&K Rural Employment Generation Programme (JKREGP) at an estimated budgetary provision of Rs. 25 crore through Khadi & Village Industries Board.
She also announced that Rs. 50 crore is being earmarked for Mission Youth – the Union Territory Government’s major initiative for engagement of youth for their upliftment/employment.
“Rs. 7.50 crore is being provisioned for skill up-gradation of 5000 craftsmen and for capacity building of craft instructors under handicrafts sector,” she said.
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