SRINAGAR — The Jammu and Kashmir Government on Thursday issued a formal order announcing the winding up of Jammu and Kashmir Vigilance Commission that was constituted under the Jammu and Kashmir State Vigilance Commission Act 2011.
The General Administration Department of Jammu and Kashmir issued a formal order for winding up of Jammu and Kashmir Vigilance Commission on Thursday evening.
In the fresh order issued by General Administration Department, it has been mentioned that the Jammu and Kashmir Vigilance Commission is being winded up pursuant to the repeal of Jammu and Kashmir State Vigilance Commission Act, 2011 in terms of Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization (Adaptation of State Laws) Order, 2020.
The General Administration Department further ordered that the staff of J&K Vigilance Commission drawn from various departments shall report to their concerned Administrative department.
The staff drawn from various corporations, PSUs, organizations and posted in Vigilance Commission have also been asked to report to the department and organisation concerned.
Furthermore, a committee comprising of Financial Advisor / CAO and under-secretary posted in the Commission shall handover the record, electronic equipment, books and other miscellaneous items to Director Anti-Corruption Bureau of Jammu and Kashmir for safe custody afterwards.
It has also been ordered that building of the Commission shall be handed over to Director Estates along with the furniture items and Genset facility.
The above mentioned committee shall also handover the vehicles of the Commission to Director, J&K Motor Garages.
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