COVID-19 rules blatantly flouted in Pulwama villages

Ignoring social distancing, hundreds of youth assemble for cricket matches

COVID-19 rules blatantly flouted in Pulwama villages
Screengrab of the video wherein hundreds of youth were seen assembled for a cricket match in Lajoora village of Pulwama district

PULWAMA — In southern Kashmir’s Pulwama district, the appeals of local authorities to the people to follow the COVID-19 guidelines with a view to check the surging cases have fallen on deaf ears. People continue to organise gatherings and attend functions in large numbers violating the COVID protocols and putting lives at stake.

In yet another such violation in the district, a cricket match was organised at Lajoora area of the district on Friday, the 11th day of Coronavirus-induced lockdown.

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According to reports, hundreds of boys including the teams, were in attendance at the match ground near a local Higher Secondary School. The violators were seen ignoring social distancing and other COVID-19 related guidelines brazenly, with no organizer trying to discipline the huge crowds.

Local sources said the youth had gathered for a cricket match, which was a part of a cricket tournament being played in the area.

Meanwhile, Naib Tehsildar Pulwama, Mohammad Ramzan Magray said that they were already informed about the cricket tournament and a team was sent to the area for taking necessary action. “They will be penalised as per the government’s COVID-19 guidelines,” he said.

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However, it was not verified on whose behest the tournament is being organized with open violation of lockdown and Covid-appropriate behaviour, despite clear directive from the administration to desist from organizing such gatherings.

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