Directorate of Health Services Recruitment 2017


Directorate of Health Services Kashmir has published a Advertisement Notification, seeking job applications for Directorate of Health Services Recruitment 2017.

The recruitment process of Directorate of Health Services Recruitment 2017 will hire contractual staff for strengthening National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (NPCDCS).

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Applications are invited from eligible candidates for hiring of staff under National Programme Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (NPCDCS) purely on contract basis for a period of one (01) year extendable on the basis of performance or till the continuation of Centrally Sponsored Scheme, as per the following breakup of Posts.

Directorate of Health Services Recruitment 2017 - BreakUp of Vacancies

The application form may be submitted at (NCD Cell) Division of Epidemiology, Health Building, Directorate of Health Services, Barzulla, Kashmir within five days from the publication of this notification during office hours.

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The applications shall be governed by the following terms and conditions:
a) The candidate must be a permanent resident of Jammu & Kashmir State.

b) Preference will be given to the candidates belonging to districts where the vacancy is available. The candidates belonging to other Districts will be considered only if candidates from the concerned Districts are not available.

c) The Consolidated Honorarium per month is inclusive of all allowances and benefits.

d) The Selection of candidate for each post shall be as per the criteria conveyed by Health Society, NHM vide its letter No. SHS/NRHM/J&K/11394-401 Dated: 03/07/2014.

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e) The hiring process shall be governed by other terms and conditions as are not specifically mentioned herein but are made applicable in case of such appointments at any time by contracting authority.

f) All engagements shall be purely on contract basis and are non transferable.

g) Initial term of contract shall be a period of one year or till continuation of centrally sponsored scheme whichever is earlier based on the performance of the candidate.

h) The selected candidate shall have to submit an affidavit to the effect that he/she can not claim for any regular appointment / extension in the Department / Government.

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