Srinagar: Jammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board – JKSSB released Selection Criteria for various Posts.

The Selection Criteria was issued through Notification No: SSB/Sel/Secy/2018/3234-39; Dated: 26-03-2018.

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Earlier, JKSSB Selection Criteria for Naib Tehsildar & Patwari Posts was also announced by the recruitment Board.

It is, therefore, notified for the information of all concerned that following Criteria shall be adopted for making selection for the below mentioned Posts for which the Common Graduate Level (CGL) Exam was held on 27th April, 2017 / 17th September, 2017.

S. No.Item No.Adv. No.Name of the DepartmentName of the PostCadrePrescribed QualificationCriteria Fixed
01.3308 of 2010Health & Medical EducationFood InspectorState Cadrea) Is a Medical Officer in charge of Health Administration of Local area. OR

b) Is a Graduate in Medicine & has received at least one months training in Food Inspection and sampling work approved for the purpose by the Central Government or State Government. OR

c) Is a Graduate in Science with Chemistry as one of the subjects or is a Graduate in Agriculture or Public Health or Pharmacy or in Veterinary Science or a Graduate in Food Technology or Diary Technology from a University or Institution established in India by Law.

d) Has an equivalent qualification recognized and Notified by the Central Government for the purpose and has received three months satisfactory training in Food Inspection and sampling work under the Food (Health) authority or in Institution approved for the purpose by the Central Government.

Marks obtained in the Written Test out of Maximum Marks to be proportionately converted into Points = 80

Viva Voce = 20

Total = 100

02.28301 of 2011Technical  Education DepartmentVocational Instructor Tourist GuideDivisional Cadre KashmirBachelor of Tourism Administrative / Management Studies / (BTA / BTM / BTS) from a recognized university or B.A, B.Com or equivalent with at least 01 years
Diploma in Tourism Management / Studies from a recognized University.
Marks obtained in the Written Test out of Maximum Marks to be proportionately converted into Points = 80

Viva Voce = 20

Total = 100

03.30701 of 2011Forest DepartmentField AssistantDivisional

Physical Standard:

i. Height 5′ 4″.

ii. Physical fitness including 25 Krnswalk to be completed in 4 hours.

iii. Fitness certificate by Chief Medical Officer.

Marks obtained in the Written Test out of Maximum Marks to be proportionately converted into Points = 80

Viva Voce = 20

Total = 100

04.25504 of 2013CAPDInspector Legal


State CadreGraduate from recognized University in Science (with physics as one of the Subject), Technology or engineering or hold a recognized diploma in Engineering; and is able to speak, read and write at least one of the regional languages of the State.Marks obtained in the Written Test out of Maximum Marks to be proportionately converted into Points = 80

Viva Voce = 20

Total = 100

05.02301 of 2014Industries & Commerce DepartmentLone SupervisorDivisional
A. Graduate with Economics / Statistics / Business Administration / Chemistry / Bio Technology / Micro Biology / Pharma / Electronics / Computer Science as one of the subject (Preference will be given to Post Graduates in these disciplines OR

Engineering Graduate in Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Metallurgy / Textile / Electronics/ Agriculture Engineering / Food Engineering / Environmental
Engineering / Industrial Engineering OR Degree / Post Graduate Diploma in Wood / Leather / Food Polymer Technology from a recognized University / Institute.

Marks obtained in the Written Test out of Maximum Marks to be proportionately converted into Points= 80

Viva Voce = 20

Total = 100

06.17205 of 2015Home DepartmentLaboratory AssistantState CadreB.Sc with Botany / Zoology / Bio-Chemistry / Micro-Biology / Biology / Forensic Science / Finger Print / Criminology / Chemistry / Physics / Mathematics as one of the subject from the recognized University with Diploma in Computer Science.Marks obtained in the Written Test out of Maximum Marks to be proportionately converted into Points= 80

Viva Voce = 20

Total = 100

07.19005 of 2015Agriculture Production DepartmentTranslatorDivisional
BCA or equivalent computer application.Marks obtained in the Written Test out of Maximum Marks to be proportionately converted into Points= 80

Viva Voce = 20

Total = 100

08.19905 of 2015ARI & TrainingsCopy HolderDivisional
GraduateMarks obtained in the Written Test out of Maximum Marks to be proportionately converted into Points = 80

Viva Voce = 20

Total = 100

09.20005 of 2015ARI & TrainingsProof ReaderDivisional
GraduateMarks obtained in the Written Test out of Maximum Marks to be proportionately converted into Points = 80

Viva Voce = 20

Total = 100

10.20105 of 2015ARI & TrainingsV. Copy HolderDivisional
GraduateMarks obtained in the Written Test out of Maximum Marks to be proportionately converted into Points= 80

Viva Voce = 20

Total = 100

11.20905 of 2015Culture DepartmentGallery AssistantDivisional
Bachelor’s Degree with History as one of the subject.Marks obtained in the Written Test out of Maximum Marks to be proportionately converted into Points = 80

Viva Voce = 20

Total = 100

12.21005 of 2015Culture DepartmentReceptionist / Sales AssistantDivisional
Graduate from any recognized University.Marks obtained in the Written Test out of Maximum Marks to be proportionately converted into Points = 80

Viva Voce = 20

Total = 100

13.26905 of 2015Health & Medical EducationDialysis TechnicianDivisional
BSc from any recognized University with advance training in Dialysis from recognized Institute.Marks obtained in the Written Test out of Maximum Marks to be proportionately converted into Points = 80

Viva Voce = 20

Total = 100

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