Re-evaluation / Xerox Copy Application for Class 12th


It is notified for information of all the eligible candidates of Higher Secondary School Examination Part II (Class 12th) Annual, Regular, 2016 of Kashmir Division desirous of obtaining the Xerox copy of their Answer Script/s and getting their Answer Script/s re-evaluated should apply online for the same on JKBOSE official website

The last date for the submission of online applications for obtaining the Xerox of Answer Script/s is 1st February 2017 and for the Re-evaluation of Answer Scripts is 7th February 2O17.

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The candidates are required to fill the online Xerox/Re-Evaluation application form/s on JKBOSE website and the link for the same shall open from 23-01-2017.

After filling the form, the candidates will get a printout of the filled form as well as the pre-printed J&K Bank challan.

Those candidates having Credit/Debit card and Net Banking facilities can pay the prescribed fee online also and in case the candidates desire to deposit the fee in any nearby J&K Bank Branch/Business Unit, they have to deposit the same on next working day against the challan and keep the counter for his/her own record and reference and the candidate should not come to the Board Office for the submission of the bank challan counter.

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Further, the lists on phased manner for the collection of Xerox copies of the Answer Scripts shall be uploaded on the official website of JKBOSE.

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