JKSSB Syllabus for General Teacher, Science / Maths Teacher & Urdu Teacher Posts


Srinagar: Jammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board has issued JKSSB Syllabus for General Teacher, Science / Maths Teacher & Urdu Teacher Posts.

A total of 2154 Teacher job vacancies have been announced by the recruitment Board through the job advertisement – JKSSB Teacher Recruitment 2018.

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The detailed Syllabus for all the three categories of Teacher posts i.e, JKSSB Syllabus for General Teacher, Science / Maths Teacher & Urdu Teacher Posts is provided below:

Syllabus for General Teacher (1296 Posts)

Total Marks: 120 Marks | Time: 120 Minutes

1. Verbal Ability (15 Marks): The candidates are expected to have good command over English language and its usage. It will be tested with focus on Articles, Verbs, Tenses, Prepositions, Synonyms, Antonyms, Punctuation, Reading Comprehension, Cloze Passage, Grammar, Idioms and Phrases.

2. Analytical Ability (15 Marks): The candidates will be tested primarily on the various cognitive abilities using qualitative reasoning. The broad areas will include Letter Series, Number Series, Relationship Concepts, Direction Sense, Concept of Speed-Time-Distance, Coding-Decoding, Analogy etc.

3. General Awareness & Current Affairs (10 Marks): The objective of this section is to assess candidates’ general knowledge of J&K, India and the World. Various areas to be covered under this section are – Important Dates, First in World, First in India, First in J&K, Popular Names of Personalities, Books & Authors, Languages, Capitals & Currencies, International Awards, National Awards, the world of Sports, various policies and schemes of Government of India and the State Government and other current events of national and international importance.

4. Basics of Computers & its Usages (10 Marks): This section will cover various facets of Computer Hardware, Software, Internet and their usage in professional life. The broad areas will be Fundamentals of Computer, Memory, Operating Systems, MS Office, Internet Browsers and other emerging trends in Digital India.

5. Environmental Science (10 Marks): This section will cover the study of the environment and discover solutions to environmental problems. Topics included will be Climate Change, Natural Resources, Energy, Pollution, Environmental Issues, Interaction of Plants and Animals, Living and Non-living Components of the Environment, Formation, Structure and History of Earth, Impact of Environmental Issues on our Health and Social Lives etc.

6. Geography (15 Marks): Geography studies the earth in relation to mankind. Knowledge of Geography is essential for business, trade, commerce, agriculture, industry, navigation, military operations etc. Geography influences the economic, social and cultural life of a nation. The topics included in this section will cover aspects of Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India. Other areas from World Geography will cover areas like Conservation and Protection of Forests, National / Zoological Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries, Mountain Ranges, Continents, Oceans, Important Cities, Lakes, Capitals, River Systems, Islands of the World. Needless to say, Geography of J&K will also figure.

7. History (15 Marks): The purpose of historical inquiry is not simply to present facts but to search for an interpretation of the past. The topics included under this section will be Modern Indian History, Major Dynasties that ruled over Indian sub-continent, Revolt of 1857 – Causes and Effects, Rise of National Movement – Factors, Important Dates and Historical Events with reference to India, Quit India Movement, Independence and Partition of India etc. The History of Post-Independence India will also be covered.

8. Polity (15 Marks): Political Science empowers us to be well-informed as active citizens and gives us the opportunity to change the world around us. It is a vital part of any democracy and equips ordinary people with knowledge about our democracy and our Constitution. Civic education teaches us what we as individuals can do to protect and support our democracy. We come to understand our role and responsibility as active citizens. The topics included under this section are Indian Constitution, Constitution of J&K, Important Events in Post-Independence Scenario, Parliament of India and its Functions, State Legislatures, Different Forms of Governments, Elections, Constitutional Bodies, the UNO and other affiliated bodies, SAARC, ASEAN etc.

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9. Economics (15 Marks): As individuals, families and nations, we confront difficult choices about how to use limited resources to meet our needs and wants. Economics helps us to study how these choices are made in various settings, evaluate the outcomes in terms of criteria such as efficiency, equity and stability, and search for alternative forms of economic organization that might produce higher living standards or a more desirable distribution of material well-being. The topics included under this section are Meaning, Scope and Methodology, Concept of Economic Growth and its measurement, Five Year Plans, Inflation & Deflation, Concepts of National Income, NITI Aayog, Economic Policies of Government of India, Taxes, Subsidies, and Globalization etc.

Download JKSSB General Teacher Syllabus

Syllabus for Science / Maths Teacher (644 Posts)

Total Marks: 120 Marks | Time: 120 Minutes

1. Verbal Ability (15 Marks): The candidates are expected to have good command over English language and its usage. It will be tested with focus on Articles, Verbs, Tenses, Prepositions, Synonyms, Antonyms, Punctuation, Reading comprehension, Cloze Passage, Grammar, Idioms and Phrases.

2. Analytical Ability (15 Marks): The candidates will be tested primarily on the various cognitive abilities using qualitative reasoning. The broad areas will include Letter Series, Number Series, Relationship Concepts, Direction Sense, Concept of Speed-Time-Distance, Coding-Decoding, Analogy etc.

3. General Awareness & Current Affairs (10 Marks): The objective of this section is to assess candidates’ general knowledge of J&K, India and the World. Various areas to be covered under this section are – Important Dates, First in World, First in India, First in J&K, Popular Names of Personalities, Books & Authors, Languages, Capitals & Currencies, International Awards, National Awards, the world of Sports, various policies and schemes of Government of India and the State Government and other current events of national and international importance.

4. Basics of Computers & its Usages (10 Marks): This section will cover various facets of Computer Hardware, Software, Internet and their usage in professional life. The broad areas will be Fundamentals of Computer, Memory, Operating Systems, MS Office, Internet Browsers and other emerging trends in Digital India.

5. Environmental Science (10 Marks): This section will cover the study of the environment and discover solutions to environmental problems. Topics included will be Climate Change, Natural Resources, Energy, Pollution, Environmental Issues, Interaction of Plants and Animals, Living and Non-living Components of the Environment, Formation, Structure and History of Earth, Impact of Environmental Issues on our Health and Social Lives etc.

6. Physics (12 Marks): This section covers important aspects of Physics which mainly include Theory of Motion, Heat, Light, Sound, Oscillations, Elasticity, Magnetism, Electricity, Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics etc.

7. Chemistry (12 Marks): Important Theories and Applications of Chemistry are covered in this section. The broad areas covered under this section include – Periodic Table, Periodic Properties, Quantum Mechanics, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Metallurgy, Phenols, Ethers, Epoxides etc.

8. Zoology (12 Marks): This section covers the studies of Zoology. Broad areas covered under this section are – Animal Physiology and Biochemistry; Systematics, Evolutionary Biology & Animal Behavior; Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation; Parasitology, Microbiology and Immunology etc.

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9. Botany (12 Marks): This section covers nuances of Botanical World. Areas to be covered under this section are – Introduction to Plant Taxonomy, Systems of Classification, Botanical Nomenclature, Morphological study of the Plant Body, Modern trends in Taxonomy, Taxonomic Evidence etc.

10. Mathematics (12 Marks): This area covers Mathematics and its application. It will cover the broad areas like – Number Theory, Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Trigonometry, Permutation, Combination, Probability, Set Theory, Logarithm, Surds and Indices etc.

Download JKSSB Science / Maths Teacher Syllabus

Syllabus for Urdu Teacher (214 Posts)

Total Marks: 120 Marks | Time: 120 Minutes

1. Verbal Ability in English (15 Marks): The candidates are expected to have good command over English language and its usage. It will be tested with focus on Articles, Verbs, Tenses, Prepositions, Synonyms, Antonyms, Punctuation, Reading Comprehension, Cloze Passage, Grammar, Idioms and Phrases.

2. Analytical Ability (15 Marks): The candidates will be tested primarily on the various cognitive abilities using qualitative reasoning. The broad areas will include Letter Series, Number Series, Relationship Concepts, Direction Sense, Concept of Speed-Time-Distance, Coding-Decoding, Analogy etc.

3. General Awareness & Current Affairs (12 Marks): The objective of this section is to assess candidates’ general knowledge of J&K, India and the World. Various areas to be covered under this section are – Important Dates, First in World, First in India, First in J&K, Popular Names of Personalities, Books & Authors, Languages, Capitals & Currencies, International Awards, National Awards, the world of Sports, various policies and schemes of Government of India and the State Government and other current events of national and international importance.

4. Basics of Computers & its Usages (10 Marks): This section will cover various facets of Computer Hardware, Software, Internet and their usage in professional life. The broad areas will be Fundamentals of Computer, Memory, Operating Systems, MS Office, Internet Browsers and other emerging trends in Digital India.

5. Environmental Science (10 Marks): This section will cover the study of the environment and discover solutions to environmental problems. Topics included will be Climate Change, Natural Resources, Energy, Pollution, Environmental Issues, Interaction of Plants and Animals, Living and Non-living Components of the Environment, Formation, Structure and History of Earth, Impact of Environmental Issues on our Health and Social Lives etc.

6. Verbal Ability in Urdu (30 Marks): The candidates are expected to have good command over Urdu language and its usage. It will be tested with focus on Urdu Grammar, Synonyms and Antonyms, Masculine and Feminine Genders, Singular and Plural of Urdu words, Correction of Wrong Sentences, Reading Comprehension, Cloze Passage, Urdu Proverbs.

7. Geography (07 Marks): The topics included in this section will include topics like Conservation and Protection of Forests, National / Zoological Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries, Mountain Ranges, Continents, Oceans, Important Cities, Lakes, Capitals, River Systems.

8. History (07 Marks): The topics will include Revolt of 1857 – Causes and Effects, Rise of National Movement – Factors, Important Dates and Historical Events with reference to India, Quit India Movement, Independence and Partition of India.

9. Polity (07 Marks): The topics in this section will be study of Indian Constitution, Constitution of J&K, Important Events in Post-Independence Scenario, Parliament of India and State Legislature.

10. Economics (07 Marks): The topics included under this section are Meaning, Scope and Methodology, Concept of Economic Growth and its Measurement, Five Year Plans, Inflation & Deflation, Concepts of National Income, NITI Aayog, Economic Policies of Government of India.

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