SRINAGAR — At least 24 labourers of Thanamandi in Rajouri who were putting up at Soura, Srinagar travelled to Pulwama by Taxi and thereafter on foot with the intention to reach Thanamandi in Rajouri district.
Sources said that the labourers were intercepted by Army at Poshana Post on way to Thanamandi.
“The Army informed the adminstration about the labourers following which they were brought into Administrative Quarantine Centre at Thanamandi at around 12 AM,” sources said.
Sources said that all the labourers were first screened and investigated by the medical staff and were later put under institutional quarantine at Thanamandi.
Tehsildar Thanamandi, Anjum Khatak led the night-long operation launched to shift the labourers to administrative quarantine.
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